Monday, April 09, 2007

It's about the BIO

NEC has announce a bio based plastic and we've all heard about the growing desire to use corn for fuel. Clearly we are moving in a direction where fossil fuels will be less important which has many great things going for it. Do not for one moment think that these bio alternatives will come without issues. As climate change becomes more prevalent and affects our nation's ability to grow stuff how will we justify going hungry because all our food went to fuel and plastic cases for our latest iPods and computers? Not to mention how moral is it of us to be fueling up an SUV with food based fuel while others starve? Contrary to contemporary though it is not some deity given right for citizens in this country to maintain our lifestyle at the expense of the rest of the planet no matter how many troops we may have in foreign lands.

I must be male PMSing today.


Ted's Blog said...

Sell your computer and be free!

lcdseattle said...

I can't sell my computer! How would I blog? I would I play World of Warcraft? I would I know that we are driving around with food based fuels while people in the Third World go hungry? It's my God given right as an American to do what I want no matter the cost!

I love my computer. : )