Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another sign of change

Hold on to your keyboards, this isn't a Vegas post! (only 4 days, 22 hours to go).

It seems that trade between China and Japan is ever growing and now China has surpassed the U.S. as Japan's top trading partner. Read more here.

The times they are a changing. I find it very interesting that with all of the political issues between the two countries that their trade has grown so much over the last few years. I wonder what this says about our Empire. From the growth of the E.U., China and India it would seem the days of our heavy handed influence over the world are numbered. I hope that as other countries rise in the ranks of the rich that they step up to the plate and fund the U.N. (not that we do the best job) and increase their aid to developing nations. Oh the power struggles that are coming, for consumers, oil, water and other raw materials we have to share.

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