Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The explosive entry!

It seem Stromboli is at it again.

I love volcanoes. The power the earth has underneath the little bits we live on is simply amazing and mind blowing. Although I would hate the destruction and loss of life I would love to see Mt. Rainier blow. It's been so many years since Mt. St. Helens and I was asleep when it went off so I really missed most of that show.

What I wouldn't recommend is what Indonesia is doing to deal with one of their fire mountains. It just seems darn crazy and no volcano is going to care about some 500lb cement balls. It's going to toss those things out and they are going to rain down on the very people authorities are trying to protect.

For those of you faithful readers not into volcanoes you can read about Paris Hilton's little run in with the police. Paris is just too young and few stars can pull of a police incident like Zsa Zsa, oh for the days of true Hollywood royalty.

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